Sandra Chatterjee and Nicole Haitzinger (2024). In: Journal of Avant-Garde Studies 4. (pp. 47–67)
Egyptologist dancers – re-enacting ‘ancient Egyptian’ dances at the beginning of the 20th century
Gerrit Berenike Heiter (2023). In: TEXTILES IN MOTION dress for dance in the ancient World. Oxford: Oxbow Books. (pp. 175-208)
round table
with Sandra Chatterjee at the Annual Conference on South Asia 2023 Symposium: Dance and South Asia, University of Madison, Wisconsin 18. October 2023.
Nyota Inyoka, Biography, Archive
Franz Anton Cramer in collaboration with Sandra Chatterjee (2022). In:
Amanda Piña / nadaproductions EXÓTICA
dance performance on forgotten dancers Nyota Inyoka, François (Féral) Benga, Leyla Bederkhan and Clemencia Piña “La Sarabia” premieres at Kunstenfestivaldesarts.
Performing Snakes in Modernity: Nyota Inyoka’s Nagui and Leila Bederkhan’s Danse du Serpent reenacted
Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar and Nicole Haitzinger at “Autour de Nyota Inyoka. Réinventer les danses d’Asie et d’Orient : chorégraphies, dessins, musées, collections” Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art Paris. 18. April, 2023.
Choreographing Créolité: Nyota Inyoka and European Modernity
Sandra Chatterjee, Franz Anton Cramer, Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar and Nicole Haitzinger. (Forthcoming 2024). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
of Nagui, Shiva, and Pirère aux dieux solaires
Queering Dance Modernisms: The Activist Archive?
Panel with Eike Wittrock, Lucia Ruprecht, Mariama Diagne, Sandra Chatterjee, Nicole Haitzinger, Franz Anton Cramer, Janice Ross at “Dancing Resilience: Dance Studies and Activism in a Global Age” annual conference of the Dance Studies Association. October 14, 2022.