with Sandra Chatterjee at the Annual Conference on South Asia 2023 Symposium: Dance and South Asia, University of Madison, Wisconsin 18. October 2023.
Performing Snakes in Modernity: Nyota Inyoka’s Nagui and Leila Bederkhan’s Danse du Serpent reenacted
Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar and Nicole Haitzinger at “Autour de Nyota Inyoka. Réinventer les danses d’Asie et d’Orient : chorégraphies, dessins, musées, collections” Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art Paris. 18. April, 2023.
Queering Dance Modernisms: The Activist Archive?
Panel with Eike Wittrock, Lucia Ruprecht, Mariama Diagne, Sandra Chatterjee, Nicole Haitzinger, Franz Anton Cramer, Janice Ross at “Dancing Resilience: Dance Studies and Activism in a Global Age” annual conference of the Dance Studies Association. October 14, 2022.
Des vies transnationales – la danse créolisée et les œuvres de Nyota Inyoka, Armen Ohanian et Leila Bederkhan
Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar at the Colloquium European Doctoral Dance Studies Centre National de la Danse Lyon. September 30, 2022.
Contemporary Reflections on Nyota Inyoka
presented by Sandra Chatterjee, Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar, Gerrit Berenike Heiter, Nicole Haitzinger and Amanda Piña at the Centre National de la Danse, Pantin. February 8, 2022.
Performing Ancient Egypt: Nyota Inyoka’s Prière aux dieux solaire
presented by Nicole Haitzinger and Gerrit Berenike Heiter at the symposium “Before Europe: The Classical Avant-gardes in the Longue Durée” at the University Leuven. December 9-10, 2021.
Nyota Inyoka and ‘Shiva’ – Choreographig Creolité Between Expressionist Dance and Indian Iconography
presented by Sandra Chatterjee, Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar, and Nicole Haitzinger at “Galvanizing Dance Studies – Building Anti-Racist Praxis, Transformative Connections, and Movement(s) of Radical Care” annual conference of the Dance Studies Association organized by Rutgers University, New Jersey. October 10 -17, 2021.
Forgotten Dancers // Forgotten Archives Part 3
Workshops and Lecture with Sandra Chatterjee, Franz Anton Cramer, Hari Krishnan, Lina Venegas and Eike Wittrock organized by CHAKKARs – Moving Interventions at Köşk in Munich 2.-4. July 2021.
Échappé du harem – artistic self-positioning of exotified dancers Leyla Bederkhan and Armen Ohanian
Presented by Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar at “Pour une histoire décentrée de la danse” Colloque international (Biennale de la Danse, ENS, CNSMD) Lyon, France, June 9-12, 2021
Self-conscious Challenging of the Image of the ‘Orient’ – The Modern Expressionist Dancer Armen Ohanian
Presented by Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar at the online-colloquium Dancing Beyond Memories – South Caucasian approaches to creative practices hosted by The University of Chicago Center in Paris. April 6, 2021