dance performance on forgotten dancers Nyota Inyoka, François (Féral) Benga, Leyla Bederkhan and Clemencia Piña “La Sarabia” premieres at Kunstenfestivaldesarts.
Workshopday at Paris-Lodron University Salzburg
For an intense day of exchange, we invited theorists from various fields to share their perspectives on Nyota Inyoka’s oeuvre on Friday April 1st 2022:
Urmimala Sarkar (social anthropologist specialized in dance and visual culture, New Delhi),
Inge Baxmann (cultural scientist, Berlin),
Anne Décoret-Ahiha (dance anthropologist, Lyon),
Pauline Chevalier (art historian, Paris)
Press article on Border-Dancing Across Time
On May 22nd 2022 Austrian Newspaper Die Presse released a piece by Claudia Lagler.
Presentation at Centre national de la danse – CN D
Within the framework of the project “Contemporary Reflections on Nyota Inyoka” Sandra Chatterjee, Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar, Nicole Haitzinger, Gerrit Berenike Heiter and Amanda Piña presented their insights at the CND near Paris. The presentation will be available online until the 8th of March 2022. Furthermore the team could visit the fashion museum (Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris) and see some pieces of Nyota’s private wardrobe designed by Paul Poiret, Mouna Katorza and Madame Grès.

Television report on Border-Dancing Across Time in ORF Salzburg
Robert Schabetsberger filmed and edited an insight into the projects research for the Austrian local television programme ORF Salzburg. The appeal with interviews with Sandra Chatterjee, Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar, Nicole Haitzinger and Linda Samaraweerová was on air on Saturday Jan 8th 2022. More Info still on the programme’s webpage.

Dancing with Nyota in Paris
Thanks to the project “Contemporary Reflections on Nyota Inyoka” in the framework of “Aide à la Recherche” at Centre national de la danse – CN D Amanda Piña could join the team for an intense research phase: Dancing in the Marais, viewing material at BnF Richelieu and visiting the venues that Nyota used to show her dances at, like the Salle Adyar, Palais de Chaillot, Salle Gaveau, Théâtre des Champs Élysées, Théâtre du Rond Point, Théâtre Marigny, Le Théâtre du Vieux Colombier and Les Folies Bergère.
Forgotten Dancers // Forgotten Archives Part 3
On July 3rd 2021 the team gave a workshop organized by CHAKKARs – Moving Interventions…
Oral History Interview in Paris and online research exchange
Just before the second lockdown Nicole Haitzinger and Christina Gillinger-Correa Vivar managed to meet Malavika Klein in Paris. Our exchange with Assoc. Prof of Literature Sneharika Roy took place in an online-meeting…
Contemporary Reflections on Nyota Inyoka
Border-Dancing Across Time received funding “Aide à la Recherche” by Centre National de la Danse (CND France) for practice as research project in cooperation with Tanzquartier Wien …